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The TED Prize allowed Edward Burtynsky to express his environmental wishes; click for videoCanadian photographer Edward Burtynsky has an amazing ability to visualize the scale of the changes caused by human activity. Mountains of worn tires, oil fields and bright orange rivers flowing out of the nickel mine - these are just part of modern landscapes, both repulsive and frightening.

Nickel metal tailings from manufacturing; click for larger image The ruins in Baku, one of the early thriving oil fields, now desolate; click for larger image Discarded oil filters; click for larger image

  His photographs are part of the collections of Bibliotèque Nationale in Paris and the Museum of Modern Art in New York. In 2005 Burtynsky won the annual TED Prize and made a wish for his work to inspire global conversation on sustainability.


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Comment by: auntiegrav (auntiegrav) (Feb-9-2010)   
I'm beyond angry, Sevdalina. I have lost all hope that there will be a Big Change in our country from within the system. Democracy is a farce that was purchased by corporations.
I used to be very angry at times, but now I am just disgusted. AID programs should not begin without first working locally with local resources (there are always local resources to match the population that an area can support). The idea that money can fix anything is where we always go wrong.
That last comment was mostly Joe Bageant, not me. Although I agree with his assessment of things, I don't think it does any good to fight the system except to step away from it and live without it. This is not a good plan for most of the people in the world, who are either in large cities (automatically dependent on the System) or have been exploited into overpopulation by "progress". The future is bleak. I just try to point out how bleak so that perhaps someone who DOES have some hope, and is in the right place at the right time, will make a future for some of the useful people of our species. Good luck to you.
Comment by:  speeva (Sevdalina Peeva) (Feb-9-2010)   Web site

You are so angry! It would be nice to utiluse that anger to do some positive change...but anger consists of two forces - one positive and one destructive. Angry voice could reveal the truth but could do harm as well when comunicating about problems.
In relation to "government paid NGO's" you are quite right - here in East Europe we have vast experience with this type of social engineering. After fall of Communism USAID imported this corrupted practice in our region. Now NGOs are in deep crises because they lack financing and after discrediting themselves as totally useless and dishonest. It is very sad story.
In general I complitely share your opinion with some small difference - as I explained in my previous comment.
Comment by: auntiegrav (auntiegrav) (Feb-9-2010)   

Thanks for your concern, Sevdalina.
I recommend you read some of Joe Bageant's work to understand the real American mind.
here's a small part of it:
"To list just a few, there are environmental interest groups such as the Sierra Club, which exists so its officers can draw fat salaries and meet movie star environmentalists. There is an interest group for education, which exists to assure the mediocrity of our public schools. Munitions manufacturers are an interest group. Gambling casinos and tobacco corporations are interest groups. There is an interest group to force feed us corn sugar, in order to sustain Midwestern Republican farmers and ensure the future of the ever expanding weight loss and diabetes industries. There are even lobby groups to protect the interests of syndicates in other countries, such as Israel. There is an interest group for everything except we ordinary American pudwhackers. The folks who just want to raise families in peace, and maybe have modest financial security in old age. And there are thousands of interest groups whose purpose is to make damned sure we never get either one."
Russians are welcome to come and buy our NGOs and politicians: we are going to need the money. Meanwhile, I'll get back to work on trying to do without them. "The land and the people will go on..until they don't."
Comment by:  speeva (Sevdalina Peeva) (Feb-9-2010)   Web site

OK, I do all you recommend and feel it is not enough - I have quite different lifestyle than most of Americans have and still I am not satisfied! Because right now in my country we face two strong dangers - first one is allowing GMO and Monsanto is almost there to win appropriate changes in the applicable law; second - construction of new Nuclear plant - Russians are ready to buy every politician and NGO that stands on their way.
Buy less is not enough - we all have to oppose that policies that endanger future of our kids and planet.
Stay home is not the winning strategy according to me, we should be active and demanding citizens of the world. "Walk Away. Stay home, buy less, buy local, make it yourself" is very major part of the transition we should make, but not the entire.
Comment by: auntiegrav (auntiegrav) (Feb-9-2010)   

The Walk Away party may join with the Random Party. Anyone who wants to join doesn't have to ask how. Just do things for yourself instead of buying something. Stop asking for the "government to DO something" and stop doing things that encourage Them.
The TED prizes come from somewhere, too. Does anyone ever question how a prize can be awarded in the first place? Where does money come from? Which bank, government, drug deal for weapons, or war for oil generated enough money for a corporation to donate to a 'non'profit to award prizes?
The rich get richer because we give them our money. The more money we give them, the more they exploit the world to provide the things we buy. It's actually pretty simple, yet so much brainwashing to overcome. How do we start working cooperatively or even independently without the System of Consumption Systems?
Walk Away. Stay home, buy less, buy local, make it yourself.

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About author/contributor Member: speeva (Sevdalina Peeva) speeva (Sevdalina Peeva)
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Member: speeva (Sevdalina Peeva) Sevdalina lives in Bulgaria and has been publishing in Greentech-BG since February 2008, with focus on green technologies, innovative solutions and creativity that can help transition to a cleaner, greener world.

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