Having your groceries delivered is no longer just a convenience for those who dread the weekly trip to the store. Studies have recently shown that having your groceries delivered to your home could also help us to live a more eco-friendly life.
Over the years I have slowly changed my way of living to a "green" life, and what at first seemed to be an inconvenience is now proving to provide more convenience in my life. From the little things like using energy efficient lighting all the way to my not so regular trips to the grocery store, it seems I spend a lot less time doing tedious things, leaving more time for work and fun.
Up until the last few weeks I was against using a delivery service for my groceries. I didn't think it was possible that the big diesel trucks used to deliver items from my local grocer could be better for the environment than my car. Then I stumbled upon an article that told me just the opposite. University of Washington engineers Ann Goodchild and Erica Wygonik recently c... See entire blog item