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Blog item: Why NOT Nuclear Energy?! Four Reasons...

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2 comments, last: Jul-5-2008   Add a comment   Author:  PT (Jul-1-2008)    Play a Video
Categories: Peak Oil/Gas & Energy Demand, Pollution, Renewable Energy Sources

Perhaps the radiation is stimulating the joy sensors n their brains at the same time the cancers are induced - from, the Web site of the Nuclear Energy InstituteThe hot new thing is... not global warming, but going nukuler... oh, sorry, nuclear.

Well, seriously, some former environmentally-sensitive groups have joined the nuclear bandwagon.  I just don't understand it.  It will take many years before the current proposal phase becomes a set of functioning nuclear power plants, but now is exactly the right time to examine carefully what is going on with nuclear as an energy source.

1) Most scientists and engineers agree that the supply of uranium if used with current technology (and none of the proclaimed, hoped-for more efficient technologies such as fast breeder reactors are available or have been shown to work) is limited to about 40 years.  Read more.

2) There are no safe long-term disposal facilities for nuclear waste. Read more.

3) Nuclear plants are major terrorist targets from air or land attack, and can be made relatively easily to release a highly dangerous cloud of radioactivity.

4) Nuclear energy has never shown itself to be economical, and has existed under a cloud of repeatedly over-optimistic statements regarding cost and safety.  Read more

So, we have a limited, dangerous, highly polluting, and expensive resource in nuclear fission as a potential power source.  Why then is there so much attention being paid to it now, including by our President George Bush (he of the "nukuler" disposition)?

Could it be that oil and gas will be fading soon on the horizon, coal companies are already firmly in place, and only nuclear energy remains as a new area of expansion where LARGE CORPORATIONS can exert control and extract large sums of money from the public.  Photovoltaic, wind, and other solar-sourced energies are suitable for implementation at the level of the individual home or business owner, or perhaps under the guidance and buying power of local energy groups - in any case, not beholden to the large corporations that until this century have had a lock on power generation.

Could that be the reason that General Electric and George Bush seem to love their "clean" nuclear energy?  Nah, it must be a coincidence.  I am sure they and their friends would support all the small and medium-sized companies now developing photovoltaic, wind, and water-based renewable sources of energy, if those technologies were as renewable, clean, safe, and economical as nuclear energy!  Right?

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Comment by:  PT (David Alexander) (Jul-5-2008)   Web site
Thank you for your insights, Wren - as usual, very specific and clear.
Comment by: Wren_Hosoi (Jul-5-2008)   

The most laughable irony to me is that I have heard a number of hardline nuclear advocates claim that the reason nuclear reactors have been shutting down is that crazy environmentalists have fooled the public with their alarmist claims that nuclear power is too unsafe. Pretty funny stuff given it's really because nuclear power is just not economically viable. This is why nobody in their right mind will invest in it in the private sector and nuclear companies are pushing the government to subsidize everything instead.

Anyone who wants to know what is really behind the nuclear claims should read the report put out by Amory Lovins (head of the Rocky Mountain Institute and hopefully our next Secretary of Energy) and Imran Sheikh. There is no better way to get to the truth than to hear it from a physicist with a wealth of experience in this area (and TEN honorary doctorates for his work in energy efficiency and environmental science).

The good news is that nuclear power is already crumbling and is not fooling private investors anymore. The most important thing now is to get the message out to as many folks as possible (ESPECIALLY in the government) before they waste billions of tax dollars trying to resuscitate nuclear that would be better spent on invigorating renewable energy and efficiency measures.

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Member: PT (David Alexander) My lifelong pursuit, since age 18, has been to live more fully and find wisdom. This has involved studies with Zen masters, Tai Chi masters, and great psychotherapists while achieving my license as a gestalt therapist and psychoanalyst.

Along the way, I became aware of how the planet is under great stress due to the driven nature of human activity on this planet.

I believe that the advancement of human well-being will reduce societies addictive behaviors, and will thus also help preserve the environment and perhaps slow down the effects of global warming and other major threats to the health of human societies.

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