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Story: In Transition 1.0: Film About The Move To Local Economies

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1 comment on Jan-14-2010   Add a comment   Contributor:  speeva (Jan-4-2010)    Play a Video
Categories: Peak Oil/Gas & Energy Demand, Sustainable Living

Projections for energy availability and use in the futureAn excellent article written by Jamais Cascio at makes a parallel between the Y2K problem and the peak oil issue. Do you still remember the problem year 2000, with all the fatalistic predictions? With the tension maintained by the media and the relief when everything finished in such a painless manner. Now, at the start of 2010 it seems like it was a ridiculous drama.

But let's be fair – the happy end of Y2K came not despite but due to the concerns of professionals, and their united efforts to resolve the crisis.

So if now the warnings about the end of oil seem to you like deja vu, you are right. The problem is discussed in not many specialized blogs and the voices of preachers of the post-petrol future are weak and isolated. The multinational corporations and the politicians are trying to convince the public that the only possible way for humanity to prosper is economic growth and business as usual – to ensure their profits, to ensure successful completion of humanities' goals, and to prevent social conflicts.

Estimates for the end of oil differ from each other – from "already happened", "is currently happening" or "will happen in the next 5, 10, 20 years" to "there will be no end of oil". This uncertainty contribute to the desire to displace reality. But the post-petrol future certainly knocks on our door. And the transition to it will be not uniform for everyone - in no case smooth and painless. It will affect every aspect of daily life of everyone of us.

The best scenario is to repeat what happened with the problem of the millennium, i.e. Y2K. Worst scenario?  To do nothing and meet the end of oil absolutely unprepared.

"In Transition 1.0" is the first detailed film dedicated to the Transition movement. The film was created by those who know Transition movement best and participate in it. The Transition movement includes communities around the world trying to find solutions to modern problems and to address the end of oil and climate change. Many dedicated individuals put a lot of creativity, imagination and humor in the process of building local economies and communities on a new basis.

Related reading:
  The Peak Oil Crisis: When? (Aug-29-2014)
  Peak Oil - The Clear And Present Danger (Jul-3-2011)
  Fake Firemen - Why Are We Cheating Ourselves On ... (Jul-10-2010)
  "By 2012, surplus oil production capacity could e..." (May-17-2010)
  World Oil Production Forecast (May-4-2010)
  Is Peak Oil Real? A List of Countries Past Their... (Jul-27-2009)
  The Next Five Years: Peak Lite and the Current O... (Mar-29-2009)
  World Unaware as Oil Dries Up: Experts (Jan-17-2009)
  Broadening the Peak Oil Conversation: Robert Hir... (Dec-24-2008)
  Shocks, Shortages, and Scenarios - Planning for ... (Dec-13-2008)

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Comment by: auntiegrav (auntiegrav) (Jan-14-2010)   
This is a great piece, but it should make mention of the Other Peak which has been exposed by peak oil: Peak Wealth.
The Perpetual Oil theory is that as oil prices rise, more development of alternative energy and more drilling will find product to meet demand. It is all based on the assumption that there will be wealth available to do so. Wealth comes from a combination of resources being available, and demand for those resources, and people actively engaged in using those resources to create real wealth (not just debt money). As people lose jobs, food becomes more expensive, and climate becomes unreliable, wealth is evaporating in favor of printed pieces of paper that SAY we have a lot of wealth when we don't actually have any potential future to base it on.
Peak oil is just one symptom of a squandered human potential. Beyond a certain point, there is only decline. What our most important goal should be is to mitigate the dieoff and replace oil with useful human labors, ensuring that we think of people having at least some usefulness. The current marketing-based paradigm only sees us as a means to transfer money around, not as physical contributors to our own needs.

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About contributor Member: speeva (Sevdalina Peeva) speeva (Sevdalina Peeva)
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Member: speeva (Sevdalina Peeva) Sevdalina lives in Bulgaria and has been publishing in Greentech-BG since February 2008, with focus on green technologies, innovative solutions and creativity that can help transition to a cleaner, greener world.

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