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Planning A Green Remodel? 21 Green Experts Reveal Their Best Tips
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Dec-10-2014     GuestWriter

Green Building Experts


In this post you'll discover some incredible insights that will help you navigate the overwhelming process many face when remodeling their home with "GREEN" on their minds.

Last month I published a similar post on home buying where I asked real estate agents to share their best tip for buying fixer-uppers as a first-time home buyer. The tips shared were absolutely priceless (you can find the post here)!

This got me thinking – what about remodeling in a sustainable way that will help save us money and reduce our Carbon-footprint? And not those same boring tips from 10 years ago. But fresh and unique advice from real green experts.

So I contacted some of the most popular and successful green professionals in the business. The result was simply...  See entire tip

Ecotricity And 'Dump The Big Six' Campaign
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Feb-8-2012 Click to play the linked video or audio in a new window     vecie78

Dump the Big Six (in United Kingdom)

Against a backdrop of widespread anger with Big Power in the UK, Ecotricity has launched its "Dump The Big Six" rallying call to ditch your badly behaved supplier and make Britain greener.

The Big Six (British Gas, EDF Energy, E.ON, Npower, Scottish & Southern, Scottish Power) have long enjoyed a carbon-fuelled chokehold the UK's energy, supplying 99% of customers. But is their grip crumbling?

Ecotricity founder Dale Vince OBE, the man credited with kick-starting the world's green electricity market, believes now is the moment to topple the grey giants and bring the UK into the renewable energy future.A cute viral video has been produced and it's just been uploaded on You Tube ...and here is the Facebook page created specifically for the campaign.

A Frog In Water -- Is Us
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May-21-2011       PT

A frog in water
Doesn't feel it boil in time.
Dude, we are that frog. haiku winner

I Think This Is A Good Idea, At Least Where I Live Anyway.
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May-13-2011       the Psion

Okay, I think this is probably a good idea: Make cloth shopping bags, and then talk with the owner of your local supermarket about getting all the bags you've made and put them in a bin inside the entrances. Maybe get a few friends to help make the bags too, (you'll want to make a lot of them, or, if you have enough money, buuy them).

Then, make a sign and have it say something like "Eco Friendly shopping bags; take a few then replace in bin when done loading groceries into vehicle" or something along those lines, lol. You may have to pay some to have a bin there, but this is why I've formed a strong friendship (it may take a couple months, but after developing a strong relationship, anyone is usually more likely to go along, or even help you with your plans). Anyway,...  See entire tip

Adverse Health Effects Of Plastics
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Jun-10-2009       PT

In addition to creating safety problems during production, many chemical additives that give plastic products desirable performance properties also have negative environmental and human health effects. These effects include:

  • Direct toxicity, as in the cases of lead, cadmium, and mercury
  • Carcinogens, as in the case of diethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP)
  • Endocrine disruption, which can lead to cancers, birth defects, immune system supression and developmental problems in children. 
  • ...
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TechSoup donations - software and green computers - for all nonprofits
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May-27-2008 Click to play the linked video or audio in a new window     GlennHirsch
Re-use tech items for non-profits? Good idea!Last year, TechSoup helped almost 40,000 nonprofits worldwide – including approximately 5,000 environmental organizations who saved almost $7,000 each on their computer needs – leveraging $35 million to help the environmental movement. – and a total savings to NGOs of over $1 billion since 1987.

TechSoup is a nonprofit exclusively serving other nonprofits, distributing software from Microsoft, Cisco, Symantec, Intuit, Adobe and almost 20 other major companies, as well as refurbished Green hardware –...  See entire tip

Back to Basics: Things You Can Do at Home
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Mar-25-2008 Click to play the linked video or audio in a new window     GuestWriter


Making a few small changes in your home and yard can lead to big reductions of greenhouse gas emissions and save money. Explore our list of nine simple steps you can take around the house and yard to reduce greenhouse gas emissions:

  1. Look for ENERGY STAR qualified products
    When buying new products, such as appliances for your home, get the features and performance you want AND help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution. Look for ENERGY STAR...
  2.  See entire tip

What is Peak Oil? Why Does It Matter? When Will It Happen? A Summary.
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Mar-13-2008       PT
What is Peak Oil?
"Peak Oil" is the phrase used to indicate that production of oil in a designated area, such as a country or the whole planet, will hit a maximum and will then inevitably and irreversibly decline due to depletion of easily accessible oil.  "Peak Oil" discussion also generally includes the associated potentially severe disruption of  the established patterns of economic and social stability.

The primary reasons that...  See entire tip

Chicken or Beef? Or Vegetarian? Or Vegan? Other?
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Mar-6-2008 Click to play the linked video or audio in a new window       PT
Healthy FoodIf you answer here, we will submit your answers to Live Earth, which is running this survey.

There's been lots of debate about how best to eat green and healthy.  It seems to be time to discuss eating meat, and various non-meat-eating options as well.  Are some options better than others, if you do decide to eat meat? ...  See entire tip

Helping your local wildlife
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Jan-18-2008       Greengecko
You can help the birds, especially during winterIf you have room for a birdtable in your backyard or garden, remember to add fresh food daily and to clear away anything mouldy. Birds will come to rely upon your services, especially during winter weather, so regular feeding is important.

Peanuts (groundnuts) and other nuts should always be put into a mesh feeder as some birds can choke on whole nuts.

If you have fruit trees and you cannot eat or give away all your produce don't feel that the fruit is wasted. many birds and other creatures will benefit....  See entire tip

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