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PlanetThoughts.org has been joining with activists and interested individuals in Second Life to further engage all of us in a meaningful discussion and awareness of global environmental issues, and in taking actions. Second Life is a popular virtual world that allows for complex interactions, discussion, sharing of information, and shared experiences for people at physical distances from each other.
We observed Earth Day on April 22nd, 2007 in Second Life, with speakers on environment and nature at more than 15 venues, and with live music from five continents at the central hub location. A variety of environmental groups and individuals in Second Life joined forces to provide this stimulating observance of Earth Day. Environmental leaders, scientists, and activists can contact us for more information on joining the Environmental Council.
A subset of Environmental Council organized a smaller but well-attended observance of Live Earth 2007, observed on July 7th, and again we integrated a range of speakers with musicians playing creative personal compositions in tune with a day dedicated to personal commitment on the environment.
In Second Life, the participant receives a body (or "avatar") that he or she can tailor to a tee, and can engage in the full range of activity from business building with real dollar transactions, through music and entertainment, and all the way to personal relationships. As part of this virtual world, many activist and political causes have a presence there, such as a Greenpeace support group, Clean Energy Now, and others, along with many corporations such as IBM, the Weather Channel, and others.
Come visit me, PlanetThoughts Raymaker, in Second Life, and join (free) the public Second Life group "Planet Thoughts Environmental/Green" for fun and informative meetings and new contacts. The software needed to run Second Life can be downloaded at SecondLife.com. You will need a graphics (display) card that is moderately powerful to use Second Life effectively; many computers today come with such graphics cards.
David Alexander
aka PlanetThoughts Raymaker
PlanetThoughts.org Team