As we've mentioned before on KGG, the world faces a massive crisis. About one out of six of our fellow human beings on Earth does not have daily, immediate access to the most basic of necessities: safe drinking water.
Imagine if, instead of going to a tap in your kitchen, anytime you were thirsty, you had to hoist a heavy vessel onto your head and walk, up to two hours, to a well, where, after filling your vessel-now really heavy-you had to carry it up to two more hours back home. This is the dilemma facing hundreds of millions of women and children in Africa, Afghanistan, India and other parts of Asia, Central and South America each day. They live in communities where water is scarce or contaminated or both, and, 9 times out of 10, it is their responsibility to find a safe source, whatever the distance or terrain. They are among the 6,000 who die every 24 hours, because the need for safe drinking water outweighs adequate supply. But, with your help, they will see a way out of their cycle of poverty, disease and death.
Let us introduce you to Blue Planet Run.
As a fundraising platform, the Blue Planet Run Foundation creates epic endurance events that showcase human commitment, passion and stamina. These are all qualities absolutely essential for solving the drinking water crisis world wide through localized, community-based projects that we believe are most effective in tackling the problem.
These events and programs geared around them gain the attention, first, of the participants and then of the media and general public. We are able to use the spotlight to address the water crisis and spread our message: we can and must begin today to alleviate the catastrophic burden placed on over a billion people who, every day, must drink unsafe local water, or travel long distances on foot to search for safe water for themselves and their families.
These running programs created by the foundation are the Blue Planet Run, an epic international event to be held every two years, Blue Planet Run 24, an ongoing series of regional 24-hour trail running events. Both showcase the human spirit and push the limits of an individual's comfort and endurance. The programs act as a platform to raise money for safe drinking water projects.
To find out specific information and facts about the water crisis and to learn more about Blue Planet Run, please visit