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    John McCain reacts to Hurricane Gustav
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OK, does this bother anyone?  Did you know that you had two different hats, one as a Republican (or Democrat or Independent) and one as an American.   John McCain apparently feels that to be the case, since he is the one who said it is the case.  Because there is a hurricane about to hit New Orleans again, we should start thinking like Americans - at least for a day, maybe not more than that, so it should not be TOO bad.

And I am sure we all have a third hat that he forgot to mention, the one for the "human being" side of ourselves.

Come on, now!  Has anyone picked up on the enormity of this gap?  Will our USA or global environment do well when / if we have a man (and woman) wearing a "Republican hat" in the office of president?  I really doubt it.  They will be too busy wearing the Republican hat and looking in the mirror to make sure it really IS a Republican hat (obviously, they have had it on for a while and are now removing it due to the disaster in the making, Hurricane Gustav).  Part of looking good in a Republican hat is drilling for lots of oil, and ignoring those annoying renewable energy types, the ones who talk like hippies, or if not talking like hippies, think like them.

I thought we live on one planet, and I thought the United States is one country.  Is there a new species, called Republican (and another one called Democrat)?  I thought that these political conventions were meant to be races to the top of quality, where each candidate could show how he or she is a world-quality candidate, who knows how to achieve big goals and takes chances while being a "good person".  I guess I was wrong!  Maybe we are all either Republicans or Democrats (or trouble makers, also known as "Independent"). 

Then why don't we act like India did 60 years ago, and split into two countries.  Look how well Pakistan has done, let alone India!  One country, the Dis-United Red States would have red states, and the other country (guess the name) would have blue states. 

Hmm, I just realized they are all kind of mixed up together, and really they are red-blue, not red OR blue.  Well, we could have neutral zones and little bridges to jump from one state to another and from one county to another, without entering hostile territory. Fragmentation can be fun.

It seems many of us really want to wear nice hats and we want to have a "team" to join and an "enemy" – of course within the Republican hat are an even smaller hats - the Christian Conservative hat, the "Republican maverick" hat, and others.  Democrats have their own series of hats, but seemingly fewer of them.

God forbid we are just citizens of the planet thinking globally and acting locally.  That would be far too simplistic.

Wouldn't it?


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